Our Teaching Philosophy
Dancers endlessly progress and learn. As a training ritual, each day of a professional dancer begins with a ballet class. This is a continuous process that enables dancers to improve their artistry, technique, and to refine the intricate details that make a great artist and athlete. Our faculty and guest faculty share the same teaching philosophy – that an education in dance is beneficial even for students who choose careers outside of dance. The Ballet Taos Academy provides access to quality dance training, that implements the most current methods and standards, to dancers ages four through adult of all dance backgrounds, novice through professional, in several forms of movement.
We encourage a smart work ethic in young dancers with a focus on mindfulness and well-being which results in career longevity. We actively nurture a collaborative space for dancers to discover innovative choreography that integrates all genres of art and establishes a positive relationship with our community. As well as present dancers with the opportunity to perform a diverse repertoire of classical and contemporary work created to challenge them and exhilarate audiences.
Level I
This level focuses on the fundamentals of classical ballet technique. Basic ballet barre and centre, proper body alignment, total body coordination, strength and flexibility, ballet terminology, and musicality are introduced in a structured environment. Class meets once per week
Level II
Once a dancer has fully mastered the elements of Ballet I, they will be invited to advance to the next level. At this level, dancers continue to study the fundamentals of ballet such as placement and alignment. We introduce the positions and directions of the body, more complex patterns and terminology Class meets twice per week.
Level III
In Ballet Level III, the focus moves toward strengthening the legs and feet, proper placement in extensions and preparation for beginning pointe work. Port de bras, balance, and more complex movement combinations are emphasized. Pirouettes and grande allegro are introduced. This level meets three times a week to study classical ballet technique, pre-pointe and beginning pointe technique along with intermediate modern dance. Rehearsal for upcoming performances and additional supplemental classes are offered to strengthen and ready their bodies for daily practice.